Kloster Seeon: Transatlantic Frontiers in Chemistry 2013

the theoreticians, in the Bavarian alps (photo courtesy of A. Alexandrova). From left to right: D. Glowacki (Bristol), T. Jacob (Ulm), T. Miller (CalTech), A. Alexandrova (UCLA), A. Tkatchenko (Berlin), B. Strodel (Julich), and L. Jensen (Penn State)

Theoreticians in the Bavarian alps (courtesy of A. Alexandrova). From left to right: D. Glowacki (Bristol), T. Jacob (Ulm), T. Miller (CalTech), A. Alexandrova (UCLA), A. Tkatchenko (Berlin), B. Strodel (Julich), and L. Jensen (Penn State)

It’s all been hectic (more on why later!) so my posts have been delayed. But I wanted to mention a fantastic conference that I attended in August, held at the Kloster Seeon monastery in the foothills of the Bavarian Alps. Jointly sponsored by the Royal Sociey of Chemistry (RSC), the American Chemical Society (ACS), and the Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker (GDCh).
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